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Perhaps we are living in the most prophetic time in all history. If so, how will we respond?

Referring to Christians, prophetic writer Doug Addison wrote on March 6, 2020 that we have been preparing for this for the past seven years. He stated that God is “opening highways of blessings and holiness”. He also referred to “shields of faith” that would be needed in this hour.

“In the areas that Satan has over-played attacks against you, the Lord is now moving to bring restoration, justice and repayment for suffering and losses,” Addison wrote.

I believe most of us can relate. It has been a long, hard, cold season and many have given up or fallen away. And yet, the Bible clearly states that a remnant will remain.

Are we that Remnant? If so, the Bible states that we have a lot of work to do.

“The harvest is ready; but the laborers are few.”  Matthew 9:37

Writing to the Church, Addison also stated that we have all been in a seven year preparation time for what is to come and I believe him. Consider what has transpired just since he wrote this two weeks ago.

In my life I have learned that we sometimes must go back to where we started to gain a better perspective on where we are now, so we can proceed. Today I am taking that concept to heart by looking back over the past seven years.

It has been seven years since I began writing this blog and, just like so many other things, I put it all aside. Life got in the way.  I wasn’t consistent. I procrastinated. I got too busy. I lost the vision. I thought it didn’t matter.

Today, I realize it did matter.

Looking back, 11,000 views over a couple dozen blogs and nearly 1,000 followers was pretty impressive considering I only posted here and there, now and then, whenever the moment moved me. Regardless, I was where I was supposed to be . . .  and I was doing something I felt called and compelled to do.

That was then, this is now and today, we live in a very different reality. If impressive mattered before (and I honestly don’t think it did) it surely shouldn’t matter now. There is no time to be impressive. No time to rally for support. No time to put our energy into anything that isn’t vitally important and somewhat urgent.

This is a difficult time. Our faith is being tested. It will take God’s grace and our perseverance to overcome. We must learn new ways. Suddenly we must count our funds and ration our supplies.  We must adapt to new ways of living and working.  We must employ precaution and keep our distance. Invisible bubbles for protection — wow! As we battle over toilet tissue its easy to say we never imagined the world would come to this — but there is nothing happening here that God did not mention in His Word.

I personally believe the key to getting through this calamity is holding tight to faith over fear, discerning the season, trusting and obeying God, using wisdom, loving others, finding family, forgiving, helping, hanging onto hope and scattering it everywhere we can by every means possible.

As crazy as it may seem, this could be the our finest hour. If we allow our faith to keep us from falling or faltering — and we use this time of isolation to regroup and gather our strength — perhaps we will be able to more effectively respond to the high call and critical need to bring a message of hope to a lost and hurting world.

Perhaps, the true Church shall arise more powerful and effective than ever!!!

Yes, we are tired. Yes, we have been through all sorts of calamities and complications over the past seven years. Yes, we have seen how God has allowed His children to be shaken, tried and tested. Yes, we can relate to the things Job experienced. Yes, many of our brightest, strongest and most powerful leaders of faith have been wounded or destroyed on the battlefield — and many have turned away from their faith. And yes, yes, we sometimes feel like giving up. But now is not the time for that. No, not when the darkness is growing and the light is dim. Not when God says we are the salt and light of the earth. Not now dear friends, not now.

Rise up Zion. Rise up!!! Behold this is the hour.  People are hungry and scared. We, the Church, ought to be prepared. The world is watching to see if we will stand or fall in this vital hour.

How will we respond?

For me, personally, it means looking back to when I first began devoting my life to full time ministry. It means rethinking what I can and must do now. It means seeking God daily to determine what, if anything, I must do in this hour. It means rearranging my priorities and getting clarity on what matters most right here and right now.

It might mean fasting and falling on my face!!!

I don’t have all the answers. I can only imagine what all of this might really be about. And yet, this much I do know. I know that God has graciously brought my youngest daughter home and with the recent passing of my 96-year-old mom I have suddenly realized how very important every moment with family must be. So, with that, I am highly devoted to learning how to be a better wife, mother and a greater witness to my own family first. After that, I am returning to the heart and soul of what United Media Missions and this blog is about: Its about using media to report good news and to share some hope to a scared, lost and hurting world. And finally, if God makes a way I am ready, willing and able to support my local church and my community. Beyond that, I am not afraid of the big picture, the adventure or the hour because I firmly believe I am here for such a time as this.